Fitness is the sport that pursues modeling and toning the entire muscular system. The purpose of the fitness that through a system of exercises performed with different coarseness (hantele, dumbbells, barbells) or through special devices, to develop a healthy body, strong and beautiful with a harmonious and proportioned musculature, prominently contoured and well illustrated.
To obtain significant results in fitness must be taken of a number of key factors such as:
- A scientifically designed and conducted systematic training for a long time;
- Adequate food intended purpose - depletion of fat, muscle toning etc .;
- An appropriate recovery of the body after physical effort being put in during training.
Thus we can say that the ultimate goal in practice is to obtain a fitness with a muscled body, but reported permanently proportion criteria, symmetry, embossing, etc.To obtain a well-developed body, in addition to exercises conducted and nutrition necessary to sustain the effort, a particularly important role they have and means of recovery from physical effort.