The article addresses the issue of regulating the manifestations of violence in sports at the international level, being proved the need to adopt the specialized legislation in the Republic of Moldova for the successful resolution of the contravention / criminal cases committed on this occasion. At present, sport fulfills a variety of functions, extremely useful from a social point of view, being largely focused on the competition between the participants. It should also be noted that each type of competition is based on aggression to some extent, which is especially noticeable in those sporting events where there is a direct confrontation of rivals (for example, football, judo, boxing, free wrestling, rugby etc.). Sport is the only form of activity in which violence is allowed "in a civilized way" in the contemporary world. Therefore, in order to understand the violence involved in sports, we must not only refer to the forms of interpersonal aggression on the sports field, but also to the mentality involved in the particular form that organized sport in contemporary society. Conflicts arise in all areas of social life, and many of them can turn into aggressive behaviors. The presence of aggression in these cases is confirmed by numerous rules that try to limit it to a minimum. However, sports are dominated by athletes whose aggressive behaviors are stimulated by the use of doping substances in sports competitions in order to obtain favorable and advantageous results. In this context, sports, athletes can generate certain concrete situations of manifestation of an inappropriate ethics reflected by: doping; pressure on the expected sports result; marketing - sport becomes a commodity; hooliganism manifested by fans and spectators of sports competitions; corruption and manipulation in sports; depersonalization of the athlete, which in fact becomes a commodity; politicization - sport becomes an instrument of political struggle; deviation from the principles of "fair play" in favor of pragmatism; racism; unethical behavior of sports champions, especially professionals; negative effects on the health of the performance athlete, even from an early age; frequent abuse of anabolic steroids among athletes, etc.