Professional training of future teachers involves mastering knowledge and skills in each of the structural components of academic work, of which communicative and motor components define a didactic activity of a teacher of physical education. The didactic activities of a teacher are aimed at resolving educational problems. This, in turn, makes it a number of requirements, considered from the standpoint of ethics and related to them, the ideological, political and moral qualities of a teacher, as well as aesthetic consciousness. Thus, we can distinguish ethical and aesthetic levels, called activities. The paper determines the structure of didactic activity levels: professional language, ethical, aesthetic, conversational. The focus of this work is directed to the importance of the formation of aesthetic level of didactic activities in future physical education teachers, involving the development of appropriate aesthetic qualities of the individual. Thus, the following cognitive abilities are developed: aesthetic perception, thought, fantasy, imagination. This determines the criteria for the evaluation of the aesthetic level of professional activity.