(Institutional Repository of State University of Physical Education and Sport)

Propaganda ca mijloc de militarizare a sportului în urss în anii celui de-al ii-lea război mondial

Показать сокращенную информацию Loghin, Diana Savin, Alexandru 2022-03-10T13:03:53Z 2022-03-10T13:03:53Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation LOGHIN, D., SAVIN, A. Propaganda ca mijloc de militarizare a sportului în urss în anii celui de-al ii-lea război mondial. In: Probleme actuale ale teoriei şi practicii culturii fizice : Ma-terialele Conferinţei Ştiinţifice Internaţionale Studenţeşti, Ediţia a 24-a, 22 aprilie 2021 ru_RU
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-3182-7-3
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/545
dc.description.abstract The main goal of the research, which is based on the Krasny Sport newspaper, is to clarify the validity of the beliefs about the entirely applied and militarized nature of sport during the war. Besides, the research traces the origins of the transformation in the functional and role-based model of sport at that time. The novelty of the research is that it focuses on the developments in covering sporting events that reflect changes in understanding the essence and aims of sport movement during the years generally believed to be the time of its suspension because of the war. Based on the logical and historical approaches, the research uses conceptual analysis as well as the descriptive and comparative methods. ru_RU
dc.language.iso other ru_RU
dc.publisher USEFS ru_RU
dc.subject sport, jurnalism sportiv, pregătire fizică, mișcare sportivă ru_RU
dc.title Propaganda ca mijloc de militarizare a sportului în urss în anii celui de-al ii-lea război mondial ru_RU
dc.type Article ru_RU

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