Escalade is the latest sport in Republic of Moldova, which grows year by year as a performance sports included in Olympic Games and as mass participation sport presented in the country’s schools, especially in Chisinau .
Currently escalade as element which was created as preparation for climbing became sports-sanitary training system, an individual test which is characterized by traversing any portion of the route equal to the length of the rope. This fact can be realized both on natural and artificial relief in open and closed spaces. Once with apparition of special suits for climbing and escalade, especially for building of climbing walls, they became the real simulators of natural relief, and sundries boulders and rocks for climbing permits route change and abatement.
The article presents theoretical and practical results of research of early student’s preparation of faculty of physical education during lessons of escalade. Study highlighted the fact that early preparation for escalade lessons includes 3 steps: theoretical training, training at escalade wall and climbing abilities improvement through mini contests. Also, the study was based on identification of the specificity of student’s preparation in the context in which they were at the different specialty (sports, pedagogy and physiotherapy).