Physical education lessons in high school not only have the role of changing the biological state of the body of 14-15 year old students, but also their biosocial integrity. Therefore, the physical culture of the personality can be appreciated not only in terms of developing and improving the motor qualities of adolescents, but also by capitalizing on ideas, spiritual values and feelings that characterize them, by the degree of development of interest, needs and expressed beliefs. In the gymnasium cycle, students are guided by the principle of hedonism, which is an ethical conception and a philosophical current that proclaims pleasure, satisfaction and delight as the supreme good, and the longing to obtain them, the principle of behavior. The specificity of the formation of the student's personality within the physical education lessons is the realization of the physiological needs of the individual that stimulates his activity, and what does not cause him pleasure stops his involvement. Therefore, it is necessary to know what is the satisfaction of students from physical education lessons and training methods accepted and supported by them. They served as a benchmark in selecting the method of play and competition to streamline physical education lessons and to increase the satisfaction of adolescents in high school.