Physical education and sport provide students with opportunities to learn and practice the skills necessary to protect and maintain health safety conditions for all parties. The role of sports performance in involving students as actively as possible in the class of physical education and sports depends on several types of attitudes in the mental sphere and the somatic or physiological.Teachers know that skills develop differently from one individual to another, having a different dynamic depending on age, somatic, motor, psychological characteristics. It is very important to remember that students need to be motivated and encouraged throughout the lessons, so that their participation is constant, each link of the lesson comes with an added attractiveness and stimulation. The involvement of a student in class. to a large exten, determines the level of motor training, which is one of the main components of success in sports performance. In this context, motivation is an active state, which determines a person to perform any act designed to meet their needs. These actions can be genetically oriented, or shaped by experience.