Purpose. This paper intends to show the influence of the specific physical training on the biomechanical
characteristics of the double salto backward on the floor executed by the 14 to 17 years old female gymnasts.
Methods. A number of 8 female gymnasts aged 14 to 17 years, members of the Olympic gymnastics team of
Romania in 2014, finalists in the floor event of the Romanian Artistic Gymnastics National Championships,
Bucharest, 2014, participated in this study. For the assessment of the specific physical training there were used 7
test events measuring the development of the following motor skills: strength-speed; force and specific
endurance. There were also analyzed (by means of Kinovea and Physics ToolKit programs) 12 double saltos
backward meant to highlight the kinematic and dynamic characteristics on the floor. Results. The results of
Pearson’s linear parametric correlative analysis reveal strong connections between the inertia of rotation and
Test 1 at p<0.01 and Test 6 at p<0.01 and moderate connections between the indicators of movement radius of
toes with Tests 6 and 7, between RM, shoulders with Tests 1 and 6; strong connections between the
multiplication of body posture (MP) at p<0.05, moderate connections between the launching posture and Test 5;
between MP and Test 7; strong connections between the indicators of the dynamic characteristics of force
resultant within MP, GCG (F, N) and Test 1 (cm) at p<0.05, Test 2 at p<0.05, Test 3 at p<0.05, Test 5 at p<0.05
and moderate connections between the indicators of the launching posture (LP, GCG, Ym), between
multiplication of posture (MP, GCG, Ym) and Test 2 (cm), between MP, GCG, F, N and Test 4 (no. of reps); the
connections between the other indicators are weak or even inexistent. Conclusions. The correlative linear
analysis of the specific physical training indicators and the biomechanical characteristics of the double salto
backward on the floor executed by the female gymnasts of 14 to 17 years old highlighted the level of connection
between the studied indicators and their influence on the technical execution.